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Relation Companies - School

With our partner companies, we’re building today’s pathways to train tomorrow’s leaders.

Testimony form our partner companies

These companies have placed their trust in us and welcome our post-baccalaureate Bachelor and Ms – MOA students.

Candice's work-study pattern in the company means that we can give her long-term projects, which is both beneficial for the company and rewarding for our student.

Alexis PINCONHead of Animation, Training and Partnerships Centrale CASÉO

The relationship and exchanges with the training centre are essential to the smooth running of the work-study programme. Since the start of our collaboration, we have appreciated Kimberley's responsiveness and, above all, the quality of her profile.
We hope to develop our relationship and make it last.

Marie JouvenceHR Development Officer

Saint Jean Douai Business School has clearly set itself apart in the personalised support it provides to students and in its quest for interaction with host companies.
A number of events organised throughout the year provided opportunities for exchanges with teaching staff, lecturers and students, giving students an insight into the professional world.

Laurent ROGETPurchasing Manager

It's true that the responsiveness and quality of the exchanges with the school are to be commended.
What's more, the work-study rhythm is conducive to organising and managing the various assignments and projects in the company.
Caitlin seems satisfied with the content of the training programme and is well suited to her job.

Justine JamesExecutive assistant

Our company partners

In 1 year, more than twenty companies in Douai and the wider Nord-Pas-de-Calais region have joined the Saint Jean Douai Business School adventure. What they all have in common is that they have a sales department capable of providing high-quality training for an apprentice. Thank you to our partner companies for their confidence in our Business School and our students!

Testimonies of our students in apprenticeship

They follow our various apprenticeship training courses in different companies and can tell you more about them than we can!

I chose the Bachelor's course because it's a continuation of my previous studies (BTS International Trade) and also because of the reputation and seriousness of Saint Jean's Institution. What I like about this course is the fact that I'm learning from professionals who are experts in their field.

Valentin, 19 years oldin Bachelor training - Class 2023/2024

What I immediately liked about the Business School offered by Saint Jean's Institution of Douai was the supervision and responsiveness of the members of the educational team. From my application to these first 2 months of training, I feel confident about completing my 2 years of training and obtaining my level 7 qualification.

Cyril, 20 years oldin Operational Business Manager training - Promo 2023/2024

Having completed an International Commerce BTS, I wanted to continue my studies in the same field. When I heard that the town of Douai, close to where I live, was offering this course of study, which you can only find in big cities, with partner companies for work-linked training, I jumped at the chance! I went to the Saint Jean open days and all the information I was given convinced me. My Bachelor's course is going very well and I'm delighted to be part of the 2nd intake.

Mélanie, 19 years oldin Bachelor training - Class 2023/2024

What I was told when I applied has been borne out: a training programme that is consistent with my company's needs, captivating business leaders who know what it's like to work in the field, international specialisation modules specific to Saint Jean that add a real plus to the curriculum... I don't regret my choice!

Sébastien, 21 years oldin Operational Business Manager training - Promo 2023/2024

I wasn't sure where I wanted to go after my BTS, but I met the staff and students of Saint Jean Douai Business School at the Salon de l'Étudiant ( Student's forum) in Lille last January. I liked the school's project, the help offered in finding a company thanks to the partner companies, and the specialisations offered in addition to the official programme to enable me to work in an international and multicultural context. I would recommend Saint Jean for its seriousness, the support it offers and the social events it organises.

Céline, 18 years oldin Bachelor training - Class 2023/2024

Exclusive to Saint Jean :
Internship / apprenticeship / job opportunities

Business School 

Business School 

Business School 

Business School 

Business School